You’ll be receiving a rundown of the top news I’ve been reading pretty close to just before I send it, usually around 8am ET.

My goal is to try to keep the news as fresh and close to new as possible when you open it, and to give you a good briefing on what’s important or interesting.

For quick reading, depending on what you’re seeking, I will drop these links into five categories:

Top News: Big stuff you ought to know.

What I’m Reading + Watching + Listening To: A rundown of thoughtful things to read, watch or listen to.

The Strangest: A mixed bag of weird or interesting stories you may have missed.

The Comment: Containing the sharpest and most thoughtful commentary on the day’s events.

The AV Room: Links to video and audio, including links to latest episodes of shows you should be watching, clips you should listening to and podcasts you should be subscribed to.

You can find the archives here. If you’d like to sign up to receive the newsletter, go here.

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A brief daily note on some things you might find interesting or useful


Head of Content and Product at ON_Discourse